Innovation Hub

Want Your Child to be the Next Creator or Entrepreneur?

Hyderabad is becoming one of the world’s most dynamic cities and the destination for some of the world’s most innovative companies, with T-Hub 2.0 as its flagship project. CHIREC is part of that exciting story.

Welcome to CHIREC Innovation Hub or C-Hub, our groundbreaking initiative designed to encourage and develop creative thinking and problem-solving. Our students go beyond traditional textbooks to expand their critical thinking and devise innovative solutions to global challenges. This CHIREC initiative, located in Cyberabad, is fueling a surge of creativity and entrepreneurship, preparing the leaders of tomorrow.

We spark students’ investigative spirit, promote creativity, help them think through real-world problems and express their ideas through teamwork and finding solutions. C-Hub is a wonderful example of how student ideas and initiatives can be brought to the forefront to facilitate real learning for life.

This year, our students have created five incredible projects that imaginatively solve some of today’s pressing problems.

Ro-Boat: A Remote Operated Lake Cleaning Machine

By Mahua Jain (Grade 10), Rajit Singh Gour (Grade 10) & Ankit Pramod (Grade 10)

Our rivers are a huge part of our ecosystem that provide not only water but also scenic beauty to our country. Many of our national rivers and lakes are currently dumped with sewage and loaded with pollutants, toxic materials and debris. It is of absolute necessity to reduce the pollution in lakes and rivers as they are the lifeblood of our civilisation.

Our solution to this is the Ro-Boat project! The rotating belt picks up and collects trash in a bin that can easily be cleaned out. This machine is designed so that large amounts of waste can be collected from the surface of lakes over time.

The invention helps us reduce the manpower and time required for cleaning lakes, thus making it easier and more affordable. Since materials used to build the project can be easily found, the design can be replicated even by people living in remote areas and villages to clean their local water bodies.

Energify: An Alternative Energy Source

By Mihir Agarwal (XB) , Anant Bhandari (10B)

Energify is an invention that harnesses India’s large population to generate electricity and serve as an alternate source of green energy. The innovation of this power tile generates electricity from the pressure exerted on the pavement and stores it in a battery so it can be used in the future.

Safe Hands: A Virtual Caretaker for Expecting Mothers

By Aratrika Basu (Grade 10), Jeevika Reddy (Grade 10), Eesha Cheruvu (Grade 10) & Kaavya Sagar (Grade 10)

According to the recent UN global estimates, 303,000 women a year die in childbirth, or as a result of complications arising from pregnancy. Many of them don’t get the required medical assistance in time. We feel none of them or their families deserve this kind of pain. The product, Safe Hands, is a ‘virtual caretaker’ that prevents such mishaps.

The comfortable and soft material of the belt keeps the mother-to-be and baby safe and comfortable by tracking essential vitals. In case of excessive or lack of movement of the baby, a message is sent to the emergency contact or hospital. In case of an emergency, an SOS button is provided which notifies the caretaker.

Solarmy: The Integrated Power Management System

By Venkata Dhanush Rambhatla (Grade 9) & Charvi Jain (Grade 10)

Solarmy’ is a device that provides instant power without connecting to any primary electrical sources. This project generates electricity through a hand crank and solar panel voltage that can be stored and utilised. Our mission for building this project was to help soldiers residing in the very cold and remote areas such as Ladakh and Siachen. This device can be easily used to combat the severe cold by warming up their jackets, turning on the glow light, or charging their mobiles. This model is so compact that the soldiers can carry it in their backpack wherever they go.

MedEasy: An Automated Medical Dispenser

By ChokkaReddy Naga Dhriti (Grade 10) & Althuri Nihitha (Grade 10)

This novel idea is an automated dispenser that ensures people take the correct medication and on time. We often see many elderly people who live alone at home and have difficulty remembering what medications to take and when. To address this, our students brought to life Medeasy, a device that announces, displays and dispenses the prescribed pill(s) at the programmed time. Simultaneously, the dispenser also uses GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) Technology, to send an SMS notification to the caretaker informing them the medicine has been dispensed on time.

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