CHIREC Students in an event
August 14, 2023

Nurturing Citizens of India and the World

“Culture does not make people, people make culture.” 
– Chimamanda Ngochi Adichie

As we approach India’s 77th Independence Day, we cannot help but contemplate today’s global landscape and the role of Indian values and traditions in the modern world. With the world becoming more interconnected, we believe it is important more than ever to build a sense of identity and belonging and have strong roots.  

Over centuries, schools have always been a reflection of a country’s culture, be it through the gurukul system in ancient India or the Puritan classrooms in Victorian England. Schools are a powerful place to either propagate or completely eradicate any value system. As we look to our roots, and integrate it with today’s contemporary global context, we believe in making our school a thriving hub of diversity that nurture students to become citizens of India and the world.  

How are we instilling Indian values? 

Building Respect & Tolerance by celebrating our Diversity and Inclusion  

We take pride in coming together to celebrate our local and national festivals such as Bonalu, Diwali, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Eid, Christmas, Independence Day and more. Our students not only learn about different Indian traditions and cultures but also actively engage in them through various role plays, presentations and activities. From a young age, we expose children to the vast diversity of our country and its different festivals, traditions, states, languages, food. We encourage cultural immersion through special Language Days in the morning assemblies and class activities. These events help us inculcate a sense of respect, tolerance and belonging in our CHIREC community.  

Preserving Indian Art Forms 

From fusing Kuchipudi moves with hip-hop beats to painting Madhubani with expressive strokes, our students look at their cultural values through a modern lens. Students learn these ancient Indian art forms through elected activities such as Carnatic Music, Kuchipudi Dance, Folk songs and dance and Tabla. 
Most recently, our teachers organised a fashion show for National Handloom Day showcasing various Indian textiles and their significance in the modern world. 

Honing Innovation & the Spirit of Jugaad

Since centuries, India has remained a hub of innovation. Be it Kalidasa or Ramanujan, from science to literature, the land has contributed to the academic scholarship of each field. We believe in instilling that same spirit of innovation among our little learners. Through platforms like C-Hub, students are encouraged to think out of the box and create solutions to address real problems our communities face.

Building Respect for Family and Elders  

At CHIREC, we are a family, and we inculcate strong family values and respect for elders. Throughout the year, we organise numerous events and activities such as Bond for Better, Know My Parent, Reading with Mom & Dad and Grandparents’ Day to facilitate family bonding, love and respect for each other. 

Forging Strong Community Partnerships

CHIREC students are compassionate and driven citizens with a strong sense of purpose to make a positive difference. The school is always buzzing with fundraising drives, awareness campaigns and outreach projects. Many of our students have also gone onto to create their own organisations to address various pressing challenges in Education, Healthcare, Poverty, Equality, Climate Action. They have been recognised for their work by the Times of India, United Nations, IB Youth Impact Fund and more. 

Instilling the Value of Hospitality

Eager to learn and share, our students and teachers welcome guests with big smiles and open arms. Whether it is fellow educators visiting the campus, international students participating in an exchange or Cognita faculty visiting the school, we are always excited to share our story and believe in learning something new from everyone. 

We hone our students to become Indian citizens before global citizens. While we realize the importance of global outlook, we want our students to contribute to global diversity while staying rooted in Indian values.


CHIREC Communications Department  

A pioneer in K-12 education, CHIREC International School is regarded as one of India’s Top 10 schools that instills a passion for learning and innovation among students. With campuses in Kondapur, Gachibowli, and Jubilee Hills, CHIREC offers CBSE, Cambridge, and IB curricula and is a proud member of the Council of International Schools